The frames and roof for your house can be on a Supply Only or a Supply and Erect contract; the difference between these two options are explained below.

Supply Only

If we have a Supply Only contract with you, we discuss your site layout plans and the order in which you will be erecting your panels; and we agree your preferred delivery date. We load your completed panels to suitable transport in an appropriate order to allow you to unload and erect or unload and store so that the first panel you need is the first panel you can access!  If you order your roof trusses or timbers from us, these will be delivered to site on your preferred date.


Our contract price for Supply Only will not include transportation to your site - we charge this at cost.  And we cannot include off-loading - unless the frame is delivered on hiab lorry. 


Your supply only new home will be plus VAT at the current rate - but as a self-builder, building your new home, you will be able to reclaim this from Customs and Excise when you complete your home.

Supply & Erect

If we agree a Supply & Erect contract, we visit your site to determine the best construction order and arrange delivery of your frame and roof to your preferred timetable.  The panels are loaded to transport in the correct order for our erection.  Our team is responsible for unloading and erecting the house panels.  We organise delivery of your roof trusses or timbers in a timely manner and again, our team is responsiblefor unloading and erecting. Delivery of your frame is at cost and any mechanical handling on site is also provided at cost.  We do not supply scaffolding but we are happy to help you organise this if you wish.


Our contract price for Supply & Erect of a new home does not incur a VAT charge


Timber Frame - Design & Build Ltd

Holmbush Woods, Stoke Road

Kelly Bray, Callington

PL17 8RA

T: 01579 388800


VAT GB387379534

Company Number 13010500

Open Invitation

We are delighted to welcome you to our offices to enjoy a cuppa whilst we discuss your aspirations - don't forget the biscuits!

Wilf & Flora (our dogs) will likely be here too - so, if you don't like dogs, let us know and they can stay home.

Factory & Office hours

Monday - Friday 9-5pm

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© Timber Frame - Design & Build