Structural Timber Panels

We make timber frame panels for your house or outbuilding and provide all structural calculations to satisfy Building Control requirements.


Our timber frames can be made using 140mm CLS timber or a double frame of 300mm thickness.  All orders are supplied with all the fixtures and fittings needed to erect the house (including steel and glulam and anything else needed to create your home).  And of course, we provide full Structural Engineering and detailed instructions to help you construct it.


External Walls

The panel is made with minimum C16 timber with OSB/3 (structural oriented strand board) to one side which is covered with high performance (W1 suitable for Cornwall) breather membrane.  This panel can then be insulated and if it is, this is covered with AVCL. The building is designed with walls at 600mm centres throughout - unless structural engineering specifies this differently - or our clients ask for closer centres.


The OSB/3 board has a little lip top and bottom to assist with the alignment of the panel to the sole plate at the bottom and to provide positioning for the headbinder across the top. 


The breather membrane (Tyvek Reflex) has an excess to one edge to overlap onto the next frame when erected and ensure weather tight finish. 


To assist with tying the frame to your external leaf (blockwork, carrier board, cladding - whatever you have chosen), we mark all vertical struts of the frame by stapling on a black tape   


Each panel is clearly marked to match the layout plan provided so the puzzle is easy to follow

Internal Walls

Structural internal walls are built using 140 0r 89mm x 38mm CLS timber, usually with  9mm OSB/3 to one face; whereas non structural walls are built using the same size and specification timbers but without OSB (unless they are needed as racking walls in which case they have OSB).  Panels are designed with studs at 600mm centres to match the external walls and those without OSB have a half-way noggin 

Panel Development

We are nearing the end our our development of a new double frame which will provide a 300mm wide wall with an insulated U value of up to 0.08 W/m2K.  Exciting !



Timber Frame - Design & Build Ltd

Holmbush Woods, Stoke Road

Kelly Bray, Callington

PL17 8RA

T: 01579 388800


VAT GB387379534

Company Number 13010500

Open Invitation

We are delighted to welcome you to our offices to enjoy a cuppa whilst we discuss your aspirations - don't forget the biscuits!

Wilf & Flora (our dogs) will likely be here too - so, if you don't like dogs, let us know and they can stay home.

Factory & Office hours

Monday - Friday 9-5pm

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© Timber Frame - Design & Build